Controller Statements

Blueprint comes with an expressive set of statements which define code within each controller action, but also additional components to generate.

Each statement is a key: value pair.

The key defines the type of statement to generate. Currently, Blueprint supports the following types of statements: delete, dispatch, find, fire, flash, notify, query, redirect, render, resource, respond, save, send, store, update, validate.


Generates an Eloquent statement for deleting a model. Blueprint uses the controller action to infer which statement to generate.

For example, within a destroy controller action, Blueprint will generate a $model->delete() statement. Otherwise, a Model::destroy() statement will be generated.


Generates a statement to dispatch a Job using the value to instantiate an object and pass any data.

For example:

dispatch: SyncMedia with:post

If the referenced job class does not exist, Blueprint will create one using any data to define properties and a __construct method which assigns them.


Generates an Eloquent find statement. If the value provided is a qualified reference, Blueprint will expand the reference to determine the model. Otherwise, Blueprint will attempt to use the controller to determine the related model.


Generates a statement to dispatch a Event using the value to instantiate the object and pass any data.

For example:

fire: NewPost with:post

If the referenced event class does not exist, Blueprint will create one using any data to define properties and a __construct method which assigns them.


Generates a statement to flash data to the session. Blueprint will use the value as the session key and expands the reference as the session value.

For example:

flash: post.title


Generates a statement to send a Notification using the value to instantiate the object, specify the recipient, and pass any data.

For example:

notify: ReviewPost with:post

If the referenced notification class does not exist, Blueprint will create one using any data to define properties and a __construct method which assigns them.

You may also send a notification using the Notifiable trait by passing a model reference.

For example:

notify: user AccountAlert


Generates an Eloquent query statement using key:value pairs provided in value. Keys may be any of the basic query builder methods for where clauses and ordering.

For example:

query: where:title where:content order:published_at limit:5

Currently, Blueprint supports generating query statements for all, get, pluck, and count.


Generates a return redirect() statement using the value as a reference to a named route passing any data parameters.

For example:

redirect: with:post


Generates a return view(); statement for the referenced template with any additional view data as a comma separated list.

For example:

render: with:post,foo,bar

When the template does not exist, Blueprint will generate the Blade template for the view.


Generates response statement for the Resource to the referenced model. You may prefix the plural model reference with collection or paginate to return a resource collection or paginated collection, respectively.

If the resource for the referenced model does not exist, Blueprint will create one using the model definition.

For example:

resource: user
resource: paginate:users


Generates a response which returns the given value. If the value is an integer, Blueprint will generate the proper response() statement using the value as the status code. Otherwise, the value will be used as the name of the variable to return.

For example:

respond: with:post

When the template does not exist, Blueprint will generate the Blade template for the view.


Generates an Eloquent statement for saving a model. Blueprint uses the controller action to infer which statement to generate.

For example, for a store controller action, Blueprint will generate a Model::create() statement. Otherwise, a $model->save() statement will be generated.


Generates a statement to send a Mailable or Notification using the value to instantiate the object, specify the recipient, and pass any data.

For example:

send: ReviewPost with:post

If the referenced mailable class does not exist, Blueprint will create one using any data to define properties and a __construct method which assigns them.


Generates a statement to store data to the session. Blueprint will slugify the value as the session key and expands the reference as the session value.

For example:

store: post.title


$request->session()->put('post-title', $post->title);


Generates an Eloquent update statement for a model. You may use a value of the model reference to generate a generic update statement, or a comma separated list of column names to update.

For example:

update: post
update: title, content, author_id

When used with a resource controller, Blueprint will infer the model reference.


Generates a form request with rules based on the referenced model definition. You may use a value of the model reference to validate all columns, or a comma separated list of the column names to validate.

For example:

validate: post
validate: title, content, author_id

Blueprint also updates the type-hint of the injected request object, as well as any PHPDoc reference.