Installing Blueprint

You may install Blueprint via Composer. It's recommended to install Blueprint as a development dependency of your Laravel application. If you haven't created a Laravel application yet, follow the installation guide in the Laravel docs.

When ready, run the following command to install Blueprint:

composer require -W --dev laravel-shift/blueprint

Additional Packages

Blueprint also suggests installing the Laravel Test Assertions package, as the generated tests may use some of the additional, helpful assertions provided by this package.

You may do so with the following command:

composer require --dev jasonmccreary/laravel-test-assertions

Ignoring Blueprint files

You may also consider ignoring files Blueprint uses from version control. We'll talk about these files more in Generating Components. But for now, these files are mainly used as a "scratch pad" or "local cache". So it's unlikely you'd want to track their changes.

You may quickly add these files to your .gitignore with the following command:

echo '/draft.yaml' >> .gitignore
echo '/.blueprint' >> .gitignore