Defining Models

Within the models section of a draft file you may define multiple models. Each model is defined with a name followed by a list of columns. Columns are key: value pairs where key is the column name and value defines its attributes.

Expanding on the example above, this draft file defines multiple models:

    title: string:400
    content: longtext
    published_at: nullable timestamp

    content: longtext
    published_at: nullable timestamp

  # additional models...

From this definition, Blueprint creates two models: Post and Comment, respectively. You may continue to define additional models.

Blueprint recommends defining the model name in its StudlyCase, singular form to follow Laravel's model naming conventions. For example, use Post instead of post, Posts, or posts.

For each of the model columns, the key will be used as the exact column name. The attributes are a space separated string of data types and modifiers.

For example, using the Post definition above, Blueprint would generate the following migration code:

Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->string('title', 400);